By my hammer, she's good. He thought.
She swung her sword at his face but he broke it with his hammer. She pulled another sword out of a sheath on her back.
Seriously, Thought Thor, How many swords does she keep on her person at all times? That's the seventh one I've broken so far.
While Thor was sidetracked thinking about this, Freya swung at him again. Thor parried just in time and knocked the sword away with his hammer. Before she could pull out another sword Thor knocked her down and placed his hammer on her chest.
"Once again you are at my mercy." He said.
Freya broke into a grin. "Ok get this thing off of me now, Thor."
Thor grinned too.
"Good practice eh?" He asked, as he hefted his hammer on his shoulder.
Freya sighed. "Let's go chalk up my 150th defeat in a row."
Suddenly there came an urgent knock at the door.
"Come in!" Yelled Thor.
A nervous servant came in breathing hard.
"Master Thor, sir!" he said, "Your father wants to see you, he says the situation is dire."
Thor immediately was alert. He ran down the hall to the throne room.
Once he got there and saw Yoda with a group of men, he knew that the situation indeed was dire.